Phase 2 Dapp Incentives

Phase 2 rewards will be split between Blast Points and Blast Gold. Blast Points are distributed automatically every block to EOA wallets and smart contracts based on their balance of ETH, WETH, and USDB. Blast Gold is distributed manually to Dapps by the Blast Foundation. The purpose of Points is to reward liquidity on Blast, while Gold is intended to be used as incentive firepower that Blast Dapps can use for growth.

Dapps should programmatically transfer Points and Gold to their users via the Blast Points API.

Blast PointsBlast Gold
PurposeReward liquidityIncentives for Dapp growth
RecipientsEOAs, Smart ContractsSmart Contracts
DistributionEvery block, automaticMonthly, manual
CriteriaBased on balanceBased on traction, Blast-native features
Allocation50% of Phase 250% of Phase 2
RedemptionJune 2025June 2025

Blast Points

Blast Points accrue automatically every block on both EOAs and smart contracts based on their ETH, WETH, USDB, and BLAST (2x Points) balances as demonstrated below:

For ETH and WETH balances, Points are earned at a constant rate of 0.06504987 points/block per ETH or around 0.03252493376 points/second/ETH.

// Constant points earned per block per 1 ETH held
ETH_POINTS_PER_BLOCK = 0.06504987;

// Example
myEthTvl = 5;
myPointsEarnedPerBlock = ethTvl * ETH_POINTS_PER_BLOCK; // 0.32524935

Since users stop earning Points when they deposit funds into a smart contract, there is a slight disincentive for that user to use that smart contract. In order to remove that disincentive, smart contracts can redirect those Points back to their users according to their own internal metrics. This will automatically update the user’s Points dashboard.

Smart contracts should track their user’s balances over time (onchain or offchain) in order to distribute the user’s pro rata share of Points accurately.

Smart contracts can also transfer their Points to other smart contracts. This is useful in cases like dexes, where LP positions may be deposited into other protocols.

Redistribution Cutoffs

Users rely on the accurate and timely redistribution of points to satisfy their vesting requirements. Points redistributions must FINALIZED before the 26th at 10:25am UTC of each month during the vesting period in order to count towards users’ current unlock thresholds. Be sure that you allow enough time for your redistributions to be FINALIZED before this cutoff, e.g. if you are using a 24 hour finalization period, be sure to initiate all points transfers before the 25th at 10:25am UTC.

Blast Points must be redistributed back to users pro rata based on their deposits. Attempts, deliberate or not, to create liquid proxies to Blast Points (ie an erc20 backed by Blast Points) will result in rewards being zero’d out.

Blast Gold

The purpose of Gold is to reward Dapps in a meritocratic way based on their contributions to the Blast ecosystem. Dapps don’t need to have strong connections or be good at business development to get Gold. Dapps that build something valuable for the Blast ecosystem will be rewarded.

Throughout Phase 2, Blast Gold will be distributed manually to select Dapps during the first week of each month. Blast Gold distribution announcements will be made on the @Blast 𝕏 account as well as on our Research, Updates, and Announcements Blog.

Gold recipients are selected by the Blast Foundation in accordance with the methodology detailed below. If you’d like to get in touch with the Blast Foundation to discuss your project and be considered as a Blast Gold recipient, you can fill out the New Dapp Registration Form.

Blast Gold is meant to be used as incentives for dapp growth. Attempts, deliberate or not, to create liquid proxies to Blast Gold (ie an erc20 backed by Blast Points) will result in rewards being zero’d out.

Dapps who rug or in general who act nefariously in any way may have their Points and Gold zero’d out.

Redistribution Cutoffs

As mentioned above, Blast Gold will be distributed to Dapps during the first week of every month during Phase 2. Dapps must redistribute all of their Gold by 11:59:59pm UTC on the last day of the current month in order to be eligible to receive Gold in the next month’s distribution. Be sure that you allow enough time for your Gold redistributions to be FINALIZED before this cutoff, e.g. if you are using a 24 hour finalization period, be sure to initiate all Gold transfers before the cutoff.

If you forsee any issues that might result in delayed Gold distributions, please reach out to us ASAP.

Distribution Methodology

The Blast Foundation assesses Dapps based on several factors including category, Blast nativeness, traction/execution and incentive design. Selected Dapps will receive a pro-rata portion of the monthly Gold allocation based on a score combining of these factors.

In Phase 2, there will be 2 separate allocations: one for Dapps that established themselves during Phase 1 and another for newly launched Dapps. The purpose of this is to give new Dapps a higher chance of gaining visibility and success.

Category Score

Every Dapp category receives a weight that can vary month-to-month based on ecosystem priorities as determined by the Blast Foundation. Dapps can be re-categorized based on their product evolution, and category scores can change throughout Phase 2. Heading into Phase 2, the categories are:

  • Prediction Markets
  • Spot DEX
  • Perp DEX
  • Lending
  • SocialFi
  • Gaming
  • GambleFi
  • NFT Infrastructure
  • RWA
  • Miscellaneous

Blast Nativeness Score

Dapps receive a score of 1, 1.5, or 2 based on their exclusivity to Blast. The purpose of this is not to punish multi-chain Dapps but to reward teams that focus their efforts on Blast. Non-native Dapps that shift their focus to Blast can increase their Blast-native score over time and receive a full Blast Native score.

Dapp Score

Dapps are ranked either Unranked (0), Bronze (1), Silver (5), Gold (10) or Platinum (15) based on the following criteria:

  • Onchain metrics
    • HIGHLY recommended that Dapps have public Flipside or Dune dashboards showing their metrics
  • General execution
  • Product feedback from the community
  • Use of Blast-native yield
  • Use of Blast-native gas fee sharing

Phase 2 also puts an emphasis on mobile Dapps within the Blast App launching in Q4. This will become a more important factor in Q4 once the Blast App launches, but projects are encouraged to build their products in a mobile-first way in preparation.

Dapps with security incidents or negative community incidents will be excluded from Gold distributions. However, Dapps that learn and improve over time have the chance to earn Gold in future distributions.

Incentive Score

The Incentive Score assesses Dapps’ effectiveness and transparency in distributing Gold to users. Dapps start Phase 2 with a full incentive score of 1. This score will then be adjusted based on the Dapps Gold distribution mechanism. The following factors are considered:

  • Is the incentive design thoughtful, likely to contribute to sticky Dapp growth, and unlikely to be easily gamed in negative ways (ie sybil resistant)
  • Are the criteria for the Gold distribution outlined extremely clearly and communicated with the Blast community either via the Blast Governance or the Dapps own channels?
  • Is the Dapp violating any of the below Gold distribution issues?

The Blast Foundation and Blast contributors are happy to provide feedback on incentive designs and Dapps are encouraged to reach out to us.

The Incentive Score only measures how Dapps utilize Gold. How Dapps utilize their own incentives outside of Gold does not affect the Incentive Score.