The API3 Market provides access to 200+ price feeds on Blast Mainnet and Testnet. The price feeds operate as a native push oracle and can be activated instantly via the Market UI. The price feeds are delivered by an aggregate of first-party oracles using signed data and support OEV recapture.

API3 also offers on-chain randomness on Blast via their QRNG.

Supported networks

  • Blast Mainnet
  • Blast Sepolia


Pyth Network offers price feeds and randomness on Blast.

Pyth provides real-time price data sourced directly from first part data providers.

It introduces a pull mechanism where any developer can permissionless consume prices ever 400 ms, making Pyth fast on-chain oracle.

A developer can consume consume these prices on Blast network in just 3 lines of solidity code. Checkout our price feed guide here.

Check our Entropy guide here to get pure random numbers on Blast.

Supported Networks

  • Blast Mainnet
  • Blast Sepolia


Redstone offers push-based price feeds for Blast.

Learn how to use Redstone feeds with this guide.

Supported Networks

  • Blast Mainnet
  • Blast Sepolia


Supra provides decentralized oracle price feeds for Blast. Learn how to use Supra price feeds here. Supra also offers on-chain randomness on Blast via their distributed Verifiable Random Function (dVRF) solution.

Supported networks

  • Blast Mainnet
  • Blast Sepolia